Thyroid Problems, Symptoms and Thyroid Health

thyroid healthLocated in the lower part of the neck, and approximately 2-1/2 inches wide, the thyroid gland regulates the rate at which the body burns food and controls the production of certain body tissues such as nails and hair The thyroid gland also regulates body temperature, breakdown of carbohydrates, mental clarity and well-being, energy levels and even vitamin absorption. Cholesterol levels, hair texture, nail strength, suppleness or dryness of the skin and sex drive are all directly influenced by the thyroid.

The thyroid gland releases a combination of several different hormones. Their names aren’t as important as their purpose – to speed up the metabolism of the body.

Metabolism refers to the rate or speed at which, or the degree to which, the body breaks down food and changes it into living tissue and energy. Metabolism is controlled by hormones.

What about Thyroid Health?

Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within your thyroid. The great majority of thyroid nodules aren’t serious and don’t cause symptoms.

Thyroid cancer accounts for only a small percentage of thyroid nodules.

Thyroid Nodules – The Nutritional Deficiency Connection – Per Dr. Eric Berg in his opinion, the majority of thyroid nodules are caused by selenium deficiency, and they can be treated with selenium supplementation, vitamin E, and cod liver oil.

What are low thyroid symptoms?

The major consequence of a sluggish thyroid is a slow metabolism. Everything is slower. Brain processes can be suppressed, triggering depression, lethargy and a general apathetic feeling. A loss of libido (sex drive) can occur with a slow thyroid. It could also cause a complete loss of the menstrual cycle in women.

Another manifestation is feeling of being tired all the time, despite sleeping long hours. This is chronic fatigue Its distinct feature is feeling more awake in the morning but ready for bed at 8 PM. The thyroid also controls the oil glands and blood flow to the skin. A sluggish thyroid can mean dry skin and dry, brittle hair. With a thyroid problem, a person could attempt to curl her hair and not be able to maintain the curl. She might even lose the outer third of her eyebrows.

Since the thyroid gland controls metabolism, in a non-optimum state it begins to drive body temperatures to well below normal, causing cold hands and feet.

Because everything is slower, the body will demand quick energy as in carbohydrate cravings, especially starches like bread, and sugary carbohydrates. Carbohydrates (sugar is a carbohydrate) such as breads, pasta, cereals, crackers, pancakes cookies, alcohol, etc.etc..are craved.

Typical thyroid symptoms are: weakness, fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness, need for mid-afternoon naps, generalized weight gain, sagging skin under arms, chin or midsection, low/poor appetite, craving bread, pasta, chocolate and sweets, high cholesterol, brittle nails with vertical ridges, hair stiff and dry, hair loss or thinning hair, dry skin, puffiness around eyes, sagging eyelids, outer eyebrows thinning or absent, slight rosiness or reddening of the face, poor short-term memory or focus, depression, apathetic (loss of hope), difficulty making decisions, low body temperature, cold intolerance, cold feet and/or hands, loss of libido, loss of menstrual cycle, indentations on sides of the tongue, thickening of the tongue, voice deeper and rougher in sound

What is a Normal Thyroid Range?  Have you had a blood test and told your thyroid is fine?

Why Your Blood Tests Keep Showing as Normal?

Sometimes blood tests will indicate the thyroid is normal, but all the symptoms say it isn’t. This is known as Wilson’s Syndrome. If your body temperature is low, but the blood tests say it’s not the thyroid. The reason for this is that the thyroxine is T4. Each molecule has 4 iodine. In order for your body to use the thyroxin, the body must convert it to T3 (yes, 3 iodine attached).

If your body isn’t converting the T4 to T3, the blood tests will show that there is enough thyroxin in the blood, but it isn’t being used.

It works like this:

  • The Hypothalamus stimulates the Pituitary gland to produce Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
  • TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce T4 (thyroxine).
  • T4 is the raw material used to make the active thyroid hormone T3.
  • T4 is also converted to Reverse T3 (RT3) which is physiologically inactive.
  • 80 percent of the active thyroid hormone T3 is produced outside the thyroid gland, in the tissues of the body.
  • T4 is converted to T3 by an enzyme called 5′ Deiodinase.
  • This enzyme is inhibited by stress, acute and chronic illness, fasting, cortisol (steroid), and other things.
  • Under stress and fasting, the body converts less T4 to T3 and more T4 to T3 to conserve energy (with less T3, the cells of the body slow down).
  • T4 is converted to T3 in the liver.

When the Thyroid is the problem.

For a book about healthy Thyroid by Suzy Cohen, Pharmacist

Thyroid Healthy – She states “Are you one of the millions who’s fallen through the cracks of the “standard” medical system? Have you been told your depressed or ‘stressed out’ but you’re really not? It’s so unfair that you can tell your doctor about classic symptoms of low thyroid and still get dismissed because conventional tests don’t prove how you feel! Did you know some popular thyroid drugs are completely useless until your body converts it? I’m blowing the lid off of “standard” medical treatment for thyroid disease. Inside, you will learn about the best lab tests, how to interpret them, where to buy them, foods that heal your thyroid, and foods that harm it. You’ll also learn which medications work best, and which nutrients and supplements authentically work. Reclaim your life, start today.” Thyroid Healthy

Underlying Causes of a Sluggish Thyroid Gland
Dr. Eric Berg DC

Almost everyone has heard about the impact that an underactive thyroid gland can have on a person’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.

It’s NOT Really Your Thyroid?

What many people don’t realize is that the majority of hypothyroid issues are not primary conditions. What this means is that the condition has an underlying “other” source that causes it.

The key to improving the thyroid is to find the real root of the problem. This article will take a brief look at a couple of common causes of an underactive thyroid.


High levels of the hormone, estrogen, in the body will also interfere with the thyroid’s ability to function properly. Often, women who have recently given birth suffer from hypothyroidism because of the estrogen spike that takes place post-partum.

High levels of estrogen interfere with the thyroid because estrogen competes with the thyroid for the thyroid receptors.

Estrogen can also negatively impact the liver’s ability to process the thyroid hormone, as well as block the production of bile, which would also create an underproductive thyroid gland. |

The hormone produced by the thyroid is extremely important to the body’s metabolic processes. If the thyroid is not functioning properly, it can be almost impossible to properly maintain and manage your body’s weight.

The key is to understand that in almost every case (except radiation exposure), hypothyroidism is the secondary symptom to a primer or to an underlying cause.

Damaged Liver or Gallbladder Problem

The thyroid gland produces an inactive hormone that has 4 iodine molecules attached to it called T4. The hormone then travels through the liver, where enzymes within the liver strip away one of the iodine molecules, activating the hormone to T3.

Eighty percent of the thyroid function occurs through the liver. When the liver is damaged, it negatively impacts the ability of the liver to strip away the iodine molecule, which leaves the hormone in inactive mode. Even with a healthy liver, a low production of bile will also make it difficult for the liver to properly process thyroid hormone.

Supporting the liver which has bile salts as this will help the conversion from T4 to T3.

Anything that affects how your liver works can also affect how your “thyroid” works.  For many, the reason why they have sluggish thyroid symptoms is because they have fatty liver.  Or have high triglycerides (which means they have or will soon have fatty liver).

Your Gut

But the liver isn’t the only place where T4 is converted into the active T3.   20% of T4 to T3 conversion takes place in your gut! That doesn’t happen without having healthy gut bacteria.  It’s one reason we love probiotics and talk about them often.


For Liver and Gallbladder

The Liver Health and Detox Trio consists of L-Gluthathion, MycoDetox Liver Support, and N-Acetyl Cysteine.,
Find out about this trio and why it works so well.  it is targeted, professional-grade supplements with clinically effective doses for all facets of healing and recovery.

Here is more information about the Liver Health & Detox Bundle

You can also find out what each product does on this page.

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