Vitamins & Minerals & What they Do

Hippocrates said “Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your Food

Vitamins & Minerals are necessary for health and normal metabolism. They are not manufactured in the human body so it must be obtained from the food we eat. Unfortunately, a lot of food have been processed to the point of not having much of their vitamins left.

The choice is either to eat whole organic foods to get these vitamins, or supplement. A lot of people supplement. We advise whole food vitamin supplements.

When you put vitamins manufactured in a lab into the body, you body doesn’t recognize it as food – this is why some people take 1000s of mg of a supplement. We recommend the type of vitamins that are combined and made of food nutrients so that the body recognizes it and absorbs what is there. One brand of vitamins that does this is made by the Real Health Products®. You can find products they sell here.

Another brand is Standard Process. They use the chemical vitamins but combine it with whole real food so the body can absorb it better. These vitamins are not for sale except through Health Professionals (not our idea, but the company insists that you can only buy from a professional. For a list of Health Professionals go here.

When insufficient amounts of any vitamin are present in the body, deficiency symptoms appear.

The solution is to provide the vitamins that are missing.

We do not claim that vitamins can cure anything, but with the proper nutrition – what the body needs – you build good health – and when you build good health, disease tends to disappear.


The Benefits and the Foods

Is more Effective when taken with …
Deficiency Symptoms
Will be Depleted by
BETA CAROTENE Growth, vision, healthy tissue-skin-hair, resistance to infection. Milk, butter, eggs, liver, leafy green and yellow vegetables.
Niacin, C, D, E. Pantothenic acid, zinc. Night blindness, itching, dry skin, loss of sense of taste.
Alcohol,coffee, cortisone, mineral oil, nitrates.
Bones, teeth, optimum calcium-phosphorus metabolism. Milk, cod liver oil, tuna, salmon oil, eggs. Vitamin A, C. calcium, phosphorus. Soft bones & teeth, spontaneous fractures, bone curvature. Mineral oil.
Antioxidant.Protects cell membrane & tissues. Maintains circulatory system. Vegetable oil, grains, wheat germ, lettuce. Vitamin C, B12, manganese, selenium. Poor muscular &circulatory performance. Air pollution, mineral oil, birth control pills.
(Unsaturated Fatty Acids) Influences skin, blood coagulation, Cholesterol, glandular activity. Vegetable oils, sunflower seeds. Phosphorus, A, C, D, E Acne, allergies, dry skin, brittle hair, eczema, brittle nails. Radiation, X ray therapy.
(Menadione) Blood clotting (coagulation). Green leafy vegetables, molasses, yogurt, alfalfa. Unknown. Diarrhea, increased tendency to hemorrhage. Aspirin, antibiotics, mineral oil, rancid fat, X ray therapy.

Water Soluble VITAMINS there benefits and the Foods
Is more effective when taken with. . .
Deficiency Symptoms
Will be depleted by..
(Thiamin) Heart and cardiovascular system, growth, nervous system, energy production, digestion. Cereals, fish, lean meat, liver, poultry, milk, pork. B-complex, B12, C. Fatigue, poor appetite, pins and needles in legs, depression.
But you need to take Vitamin C with B1 or your teeth can loosen. Alcohol,coffee, excessive sugar,smoking.Physical & mental stress depletes this nutrient.
(Riboflavin) Healthy skin. Tissue repair. Antibody and red blood cell formation. Cereals, yeast, milk, eggs, leafy green vegetables, lean meat. Vitamin A, niacin, B-complex, B1. Cracks at mouth corners, sore tongue, light sensitivity to eyes. Alcohol,coffee, sugar,smoking.Physical & mental stress depletes this nutrient.
(not Niacinamide) Healthy skin, nervous system, cell metabolism. Converts food to energy. Cereals, yeast, lean meat, liver, eggs. B-complex, B1, B2, B6, tryptophan. Weakness, skin rash, memory loss, irritability, insomnia. Alcohol,coffee, sugar,smoking.Physical & mental stress depletes this nutrient.
B Complex Factor Healthy red blood cells, gums, teeth, blood vessels, nervous system. Cereals, wheat germ, yeast, meat, bananas, vegetables. Vitamin C, biotin, Pantothenic acid, niacin, magnesium. Fatigue, anemia, nerve dysfunction, irritability. Alcohol,coffee, sugar,smoking.Physical & mental stress depletes this nutrient.
(Cyanocobalamin) Development of red blood cells, growth, nervous system maintenance. Fish, lean meat, liver, milk. . A, B1, B6, niacin, biotin, Pantothenic acid. Anemia, weakness, fatigue, red-sore tongue, nerve degeneration Alcohol,coffee,smoking, calcium deficiency.
BIOTIN Skin, circulatory system. Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. Egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, milk. liver, kidneys. Vitamin A, B2, B6, niacin. Non-specific skin rash. Alcohol, coffee, raw egg white, antibiotics.
(real vitamin C, not ascorbic acid) Wound healing, immune system. Maintenance of healthy gums, skin, blood. Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, berries, cabbage, vegetables, tomatoes. Vitamin A, B6, Pantothenic acid, zinc. Bruise easily, wound healing, tooth/gum defects, aching joints. Antibiotics, aspirin, stress(mental and physical) cortisone.
(was called Folacin) Production of red blood cells, tissue cells. Normal growth. Healthy intestinal tract. Yeast, leafy green vegetables, meats. Vitamin C, B6, B12, niacin. Anemia, intestinal problems, pale tongue. Alcohol, oral contraceptives, smoking, sulfa drugs. stress
PANTOTHENIC ACID Helps convert proteins, carbohydrates, fats into energy. Immune system, Most plant & animal food. Folic acid, biotin, B-complex. Weakness, depression, decreased resistance to infection Alcohol,coffee,, stress
CHOLINE Nerve transmission. Regulates liver & gallbladder. Cell membrane structure. Yeast, eggs, fish, lecithin, wheat germ, organ meats, soy. Vitamin A, B-complex, Inositol, folic acid. Growth problems, impaired liver & kidney function. Alcohol coffee,, sugar
INOSITOL Fat & Cholesterol metabolism. Nerve function. Molasses, yeast, lecithin, fruits, meat, milk, nuts. Choline, B-complex, B12. Hair loss, constipation, eye abnormalities, high Cholesterol. Alcohol, coffee
(Bioflavonoids) Blood vessel wall maintenance, healthy capillaries and veins. Skin and pulp of fruits, especially citrus fruits. Vitamin C Bleeding gums, colds, eczema. Antibiotics, aspirin,smoking, cortisone certain drugs.
(PABA) Blood cell formation, pigmentation of skin and may help restore color to gray hair. Molasses, eggs, liver, milk rice, yeast, wheat germ, bran B complex, folic acid, C. Constipation, depression, fatigue, headaches, irritability. Alcohol,coffee,, sulfa drugs.



Minerals are inorganic substances that are necessary for growth, development and health.
You need small, but constant supplies. Minerals ensure that the body functions properly. The minerals are responsible for the body structure – i.e. bones are composed of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine.

As with vitamins, minerals are not provided in most of the food we buy due to the depleted soil
Because minerals are water soluble and are flushed out of the body, it is common to have a mineral deficiency and deficiency symptoms..

Is more effective when taken with. . . Deficiency Symptoms
Will be depleted by…
CALCIUM Bone & tooth development & maintenance. Muscle contraction, nerve transmission. Milk, cheese, green vegetables. Vitamin A, C, D, phosphorus. Heart palpitations, muscle cramps, tooth/bone weakening. Excess saturated fat in diet.
CHROMIUM Carbohydrate metabolism, energy production and optimum utilization of glucose. Yeast, whole grains, vegetable oils. Unknown. Poor glucose tolerance. Low blood sugar levels. Excess iron.
COPPER Enzyme function. Hemoglobin production. Nuts, seeds, organ meats, raisins. Iron, zinc, cobalt. Anemia, fatigue, weakness, bone fragility. Exhaust fumes, cadmium.
IODINE Production of thyroid hormone. Regulates metabolism. Seafood, kelp, iodized salt. Unknown. Enlarged thyroid gland in neck,
IRON Transport of oxygen to tissues. Enzyme functions. Whole grain cereals, nuts, green vegetables. B6, C, B12, folic acid. Fiber increases absorption. Fatigue, weakness from anemia, brittle fingernails. Excess saturated fat in diet, excess protein.
MAGNESIUM Enzyme activity. Health of heart arteries. Protein production. Nerve function.Need of Magnesium in the Summer Whole grains, seafood, green vegetables. B6, C, calcium, phosphorus. Growth failure, leg cramps, nervousness, confusion, easily angered. Excess iron.
MANGANESE Enzyme activity in reproduction, growth, fat metabolism. Whole grains, eggs, nuts, green vegetables. Not determined Poor growth, reproductive and coordination abnormalities. Alcohol,coffee, cortisone, diuretics, excess sugar.
PHOSPHORUS Bone/tooth formation, muscle contraction. kidney function, nerve & muscle activity. Eggs, fish, meat, poultry, grains, cheese. Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamins A & D. Continuous thirst, dry skin, general weakness, weak reflexes. Alcohol, phytic acid, oral contraceptives.
POTASSIUM pH balance of blood, body-water balance, nerve and muscle function Dates, raisins, figs, peaches, sunflower seeds. Sodium. Irregular heartbeat) muscular weakness. Build-up of lactic acid. Mercury, cadmium.
SELENIUM Antioxidant (with vit. E). Protects cell membrane and internal structures. Whole grains, seafood, eggs, meat, brown rice. Vitamin E. Anemia, heart muscle enlargement, irregular beat. Coffee, excess zinc or copper.
ZINC Wound healing,
“nature’s penicillin”- its what’s in chicken soup) reproductive organ development & growth. Male hormone production. Yeast, whole grains, liver, sunflower seeds.Chicken Soup Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, C, Vitamin D increases absorption. Loss of sense of taste, poor growth and wound healing.

For information on health problems and what can be done, see the MCVitamins Index. You can also email us and get help.

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