Bunions – what are the causes and what you can do to help

bunionsBunions: A painful, inflamed swelling of the bursa at the first joint of the big toe, characterized by enlargement of the joint and lateral displacement of the toe.

Bursa: a small fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity situated in places in tissues where friction would otherwise occur.

What causes bunions and what helps to relief them by Dr. Berg

Whether it’s sandal or boot season, you may be thinking it’s time to do something about that bunion jutting out at the base of your big toe.

If you’re a female in your late 40s or older, you’re at a much higher risk of developing a bunion than anyone else. It doesn’t seem fair does it?!

Bunions are not all caused by the same thing. Both genetics and your lifestyle can lead to developing a bunion. But they can become inflamed and tender, affecting your ability to walk and exercise, and even lead to knee or hip pains.

Let’s talk about how to get rid of bunions. Bunions can become inflamed and tender, affecting your ability to walk and exercise. Bunions can even lead to knee pain or hip pain.

Top causes of bunions:

• Your shoes don’t fit correctly

• You have flat feet

• You have ankle mobility issues

How to get rid of bunions:

1. Get shoes and socks that aren’t too tight around your toes

2. Use silicone toe spreaders

3. Do certain exercises

The best exercises for bunions:

1. Sit in a chair and bring one knee up with your arm. Then, move your foot in a complete circle as if you’re trying to draw a circle with your toes. Do ten rotations clockwise with your right foot, then do ten rotations counterclockwise. Repeat this with your left foot.

2. Place a tennis ball under the mid part of the arch in your foot. Stand on the tennis ball for two minutes and then switch feet. Do this once a day.

3. Sit in a chair and raise your toes up on both feet at the same time. Start with doing this 10 times and work up to doing it 30 times. If you get a cramp, stop. Once you can do this sitting, try doing it standing while balancing yourself against a wall.

4. While sitting in a chair, lift up your toes using your calf muscles. Do this by pushing your toes into the floor and lifting your heels. Do this back and forth, working your way up to 30 repetitions. After you can do this sitting, try doing it standing, balancing yourself using a chair or the wall.

5. While sitting in a chair, rock your ankles back and forth (invert and evert your ankles), working up to doing 30 repetitions. Once you can do this sitting, try it standing.

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