Dr Berg’s Advanced Digest Formula

Relieves symptoms like bloating, gas, and indigestion

digest formulaA new formula with ginger, peppermint, anise and fennel to further support healthy digestion and potentially reduce indigestion, gas and bloating. Betaine hydrochloride and apple cider vinegar in this supplement are natural acidifiers that support normal stomach function. Take Dr. Berg’s Advanced Digestive Formula before or after a meal to help your body digest a healthy diet and more effortlessly extract the nutrients it needs.

  • Supports a healthy digestive system!
  • Supports healthy weight loss!
  • Supports a healthy immune system!
  • Helps support bloating, gas and indigestion!

The importance of stomach acids has not been focused on enough. The correct pH (acid level) for the stomach should be between 1 to 3. This is VERY acidic, but is necessary to break down proteins, collagen, absorb minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.) and B12 as well as to help kill off unfriendly microbes before entering the intestines. A strong acid stomach is also necessary to help release bile from the liver and enzymes from the pancreas.

As we age, our stomach acid diminishes thus creating a cascade of negative health events. In addition to the aging process, other things can also influence your stomach acids: anti-acids, low salt diets, excess sugar and excess calcium.

I’ve had serious gut issues from a very young age, I’m now close to 60. Some of the problems have been severe enough to put me in hospital, with only temporary relief. Dr Berg has helped me understand why and what I can do to reduce the ill effects long term, not just temporarily. I had no idea (one of my issues) my stomach acid was too low. Taking Digest Formula daily is helping tremendously. So thankfully, Digest Formula is proving to be a huge step in the right direction. Thank you, Dr Berg! – Genevieve

This product has a 30 day money back guarantee.

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To Learn More or to Order Dr Berg’s Advanced Digest Formula

Study: Apple cider vinegar modulates serum lipid profile, erythrocyte, kidney, and liver membrane oxidative stress in ovariectomized mice fed high cholesterol   J Membr Biol.2014 Aug;247(8):667-73. doi: 10.1007/s00232-014-9685-5. Epub 2014 Jun 4.

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