Understanding Nutrition and How to Eat for Health

Are you eating to achieve health or to create chronic health problems?”

understanding nutritionEat Well for Thriving Health & Vitality 

What is Nutrition?

A nutrient is a substance that is needed by the body to maintain life and health.
Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

How do you get the right Nutrition?

What is functional nutrition?   Functional nutrition is the use of food to improve, prevent or reverse health conditions. Research shows that making dietary changes can have a powerful, positive impact on your health, including reducing the risk of chronic health conditions.

Gut issues, mitochondrial degradation, impaired metabolism, inflammation, and insulin resistance can be positively affected through nutrition.

There’s a lot of false information out there about nutrition. Find out the true, science-based facts that will allow you to take control of your metabolic health.

What is metabolism? 

Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemical process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.   Thus, improving metabolism is a health goal.

Too many people are eating in a way that will result in significant health issues.  You can find out if you are eating for your health or creating chronic health problems:

By learning, knowing and applying basic, true nutritional data, you can achieve thriving health.

The Eat Well Nutrition Program gives you that data and it’s not complicated. You work out your Food Score and then can see your progress on a graph.

When I started the Nutrition Program my Food Health Score was horrible – like about -60! As I went through the sessions and implemented the principles, my score gradually started to rise. By the end of the program my Food Health Score had risen dramatically. Getting that Food Health Score out of an embarrassing range up to a level that I could be proud of was what motivated me week to week, and I felt great doing it!

Want to ensure you stay healthy and active? Maybe you and your family are generally healthy, but you want to achieve a higher level of health and vitality?

Whatever your health goals, you are in the right place. You can use nutrition to achieve thriving health.

What are the States of Health

Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, said ‘let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food’. This is true.

What you eat and drink every day really does make a difference to how you feel, how long you will live, and your quality of life.

Are you confused by the contradictory information about food and nutrition?

Don’t believe everything you read, or everything you are told by well-meaning friends and family, about nutrition. The field of nutrition has become confused and filled with false information.

While people are trying to do the right thing for themselves and their family, you don’t have to look further than the obesity epidemic and the continuing rise in chronic illness in our society to see that something is not quite right. As of now, life expectancy in the US is falling, so your children are likely to live a shorter life than you.

Too many families in the US are eating in a way that will result in significant health issues which they are experiencing right now or will experience in the future – chronic poor health due to degenerative illness, pain, and a shorter life.

If this rings true for you, then you need to know this …

You can dramatically improve your health, and the health of your family, by knowing and applying basic, true, nutritional data, and it’s not complicated. Find out the nutritional, dietary and lifestyle changes that will help you achieve thriving health.

Understanding Nutrition – Introducing the Eat Well Nutrition Program

This Nutrition Program will show you how easy it is to feed yourself to create and maintain good health. The program separates fact from fiction and provides basic, true nutrition concepts so you can achieve the level of health you want.

The information in this program is easy to understand, rooted in natural health care and based on the science of the body.

Even the most informed person has benefited from this program. Often, they learn something new. Many hear something valuable they learned in the past but had forgotten, and they realize they never implemented into their life.

I understand a lot about nutrition and how to eat for my health, not my taste buds.  I was surprised I got some basic information in this course that is very applicable to my eating properly.  I learned how to balance my meals and so much more.  I’m really impressed. – CD

Even experienced health care professionals have shared with us that they didn’t fully understand certain nutritional concepts until they completed this program.

Meet Jackie Furlong – Certified Holistic Health Coachackie Furlong – Certified Holistic Health Coach

Through working with patients, Jackie Furlong found that most people were either unaware, confused, or misinformed about their eating habits to stay healthy and prevent illness and disease.

This program is a comprehensive program that assists people implementing and following an effective nutrition plan. It separates fact from fiction and provides the correct and essential nutrition concepts needed to achieve better health for themselves and their families.

Jackie Furlong is certified with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Holistic Health Coach and with the AFPA (American Fitness Professionals & Associates.) During the past 10 years, Jackie has helped thousands of people change their health through nutritional, dietary and lifestyle changes and she now can help you, too.

Jackie has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Minnesota and is certified by the AFPA and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition as a Holistic Health Coach.

She provides easy to understand education in natural and successful ways to improve your health and that of your family.

Here’s What You Get:

9 Video Sessions presented by Jackie Furlong

Introduction to Jackie Furlong and the Program
Meet Jackie Furlong and find out about the program she designed to help people achieve thriving health.

Nutrition 101
Jackie covers the basics of nutrition so you are empowered with true data in your journey to great health and can recognize all the false data there is regarding nutrition.

Understanding the Food Health Score
The Food Health Score is a way of evaluating a person’s Food Journal and then showing the numerical result on a graph. Food Health Scores over time show whether a person is trending towards thriving health or toward significant health problems.

Your Food Health Score may open the door to understanding why you feel the way you do, and what you can do about it.  It is used while on the diet to show you how you are progressing.

You may think you are eating well but if your current diet is not making you feel better or helping you achieve your ideal weight, you may have some false information.

If you feel bad, sick, unhealthy, tired, lethargic, inflamed, don’t sleep well, have skin issues, feel you are not aging well, or can’t control your weight gain, chances are it is related to what you are eating and drinking.

Breakfast with Protein
Learn easy ways to include protein for breakfast and lift your mood, focus and energy. Find out what happens when you don’t eat the right kind of food for breakfast.

Cut the Sugar
Learn the dangers of sugar and how to identify hidden sugars that are in almost everything we eat, and how to stop annoying sugar cravings.

Healthy Fats & Drinking Water
Learn the surprising truth about healthy versus unhealthy fats and how the right fats can help with weight loss and brain power. Learn about toxins in your drinking water and your best options for clean water.

Balancing Blood Sugar
Learn how to eat in balance and avoid the blood sugar roller coaster so you feel energized all day.

Grocery Shopping & Label Reading
Learn how to decipher labels on foods so you won’t be fooled by marketing claims, how to explore your healthy food shopping options, and how to save money when grocery shopping.

Meal Planning & Cooking
Learn how to save time and money and how to incorporate preparing healthy meals for your family into your already hectic schedule.

In addition to the video sessions,you’ll get the following BONUS materials:

BONUS #1: Reference Materials
Each session has a packet of reference materials to follow as you watch the session video.

BONUS #2: Resource Sheets
Jackie provides a wealth of resources and tips related to health to make your life easier.

BONUS #3: Worksheets and Exercises
Worksheets and exercises are provided for each session to help you implement what you have learned and make it a part of your life.

Bonus #4: Recipe Ideas
Jackie provides tasty, healthy, and easy to prepare recipes to support your journey towards better health.

Bonus #5: Your Food Health Score Graph
Regular grading of your Food Health Score based on your Food Journal. You’ll receive your Food Health Score graph so you can see how your health is trending – toward thriving, or not.

Bonus #6: Unlimited Email Support
You’ll have access to unlimited email support from our Client Support Team as you move through the sessions to help you get what you want out of the program.

You can achieve better health through nutrition.

Whether you are trying to improve your health, help a family member with a particular health issue, or want to maintain your children’s good health now and have them grow into very healthy adults, this program can help you achieve your health goals.

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Eat Well Nutrition Program?


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[Terms & Conditions: This course subscription is available for a period of sixty (60) days from date of registration and is for one person (the registrant.) Course access may not be shared with others or transferred from the original person who is granted course access. All downloadable materials are copyrighted and are for the sole use of the registrant. The information contained in this program has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.]

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