Green Coffee Bean Extract Diet

How this diet works: Green coffee extract has chlorogenic acid. This signals your liver to burn your stored fat. It also slows the processing of sugar into glucose, so there is less glucose in your blood.

This results in more fat burning, and the excess glucose does not turn into fat later.

Good points: Claims that there is a 16% body fat loss. Eating habits aren’t changed; No exercise routine; Claims that weight loss is doubled from those not taking the capsules. You can see results during the first week. Targets fat stores all over the body. Helps suppress appetite.

More Information about this

Green coffee bean extract has become the top selling diet supplement on the market today, based on a recently-published research study at the University of Scranton.

Sixteen overweight adults between the ages of 22-46 were given either pure green coffee extract or a placebo.

After 22 weeks, researchers weighed the participants. They found that the participants using the green coffee extract lost on average of 17 pounds of body weight.”

The researchers were initially baffled by these results because the subjects were eating an average of 2,400 calories a day during the study. Further research found that green coffee bean extract contains a chemical called chlorogenic acid, which inhibits the body from producing glucose, and also signals the liver to start burning fat to produce energy.

“After 22 weeks, researchers weighed the participants. They found that the participants lost on average, about 17 pounds.”

The researchers were initially baffled by these results, mainly because the subjects were eating an average of 2,400 calories a day during the study. Further study found that green coffee bean extract contains a chemical called chlorogenic acid, which inhibits the body from producing glucose, and also tells the liver to start burning off fat for energy.

Bad points  Can deplete the body of magnesium, iron and zinc.

The chlorogenic acid can be destroyed with heating so it is important to find how the green coffee bean is processed into capsule form.

There are many people trying to take advantage of the interest in this product, so finding a trusted source with high quality pure green coffee bean extract is important. There are even ads Warning against the product which just divert you to their Green Coffee Bean product.

Duration: Can be taken as long as you have fat to lose.

More information about this diet:

In order to be effective, you need:

At least 45% clorogenic acid
No filers or additives
At least 400 mg per capsule

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