Sinus Infections or Sinusitis – Inflammation of the Nasal Sinuses, what you can do

sinus infectionsWhat is Sinusitis?
Causes of Sinusitis
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Fungal Sinus Infection
Help for Sinus Infections

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses.

A sinus is a cavity (air chamber) within the bone. These are four sets of open spaces within the bones of the skull. They are above the eyes (frontal sinuses), to either side of the nose inside the cheekbones (maxillary sinuses), behind the bridge of the nose (sphenoid sinuses) and in the upper nose (ethmoid sinuses).

Normally, mucous cleans any particles that collect in the sinuses. With the help of tiny hairs called cilia, mucous is moved out of sinuses so that it can drain into the nasal passages.

However, when you have cold or allergy attack, your sinuses become inflamed or infected and drainage cannot occur. If the sinuses are too small to handle the amount of volume of mucus produced by the body, they can become clogged.

Sinusitis can also occur as a result of swelling in the sinus passages or if anything prevents the cilia from moving mucous.

Sinus problems come from the sinuses in the skull

What is an infection?

Infection refers to the process by which organisms such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses enter the body and multiply. When your immune system cannot fight these organisms off, an infection results and can cause disease.

Poor nutrition, illness, lack of sleep, substance abuse, trauma or prolonged exposure to cold can all encourage an infection, as they lower the body’s resistance.

Causes of Sinus Infections

There are several factors that contribute to sinusitis developing and these include:

  • Bacterial or viral infection, especially after you have a cold
  • Mold & fungus
  • Allergy attack
  • Changes in temperature
  • Air pressure
  • Pollution
  • Chemical fumes
  • Smoking
  • Swimming or diving
  • Excessive use of decongestant nasal sprays
  • Sinuses that remain clogged for a long time seem to invite infection.

Most cases of sinusitis affect the frontal and/or cheekbone sinuses. Individuals tend to have problems with a particular set of sinuses.

Sinusitis can be either acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis is frequently believed to be caused by bacterial or viral infections of the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract, such as the common cold.

People with compromised immune systems are susceptible to fungal sinusitis, a potentially dangerous condition.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Some of the most know sinus infection symptoms are pain behind the eyes, pain on top of the head or both temples.

Symptoms can also include fever (usually low grade) cough, headache, earache, toothache, facial pain, cranial pressure, difficulty breathing through the nose, loss of the sense of smell and tenderness over the forehead and cheekbones. Sometime tapping in the area of the sinuses causes pain which indicates an infection. Postnasal drip can cause a sore throat, nausea, and bad breath; difficulty breathing can cause snoring and loss of sleep.

Most sinus infections are treated by medical doctors with antibiotics.

Fungal sinus infection

Fungal infections tend to go overlooked as a cause of sinusitis.

Since most cases of sinus infection are believed to be caused by bacteria, they are often treated with antibiotics. Yet fungal sinus infections will not respond to these types of antibiotics and can be made worse by them. It seems that the Mayo Clinic feels they are fungus infections. Read:

Mayo Clinic Study Implicates Fungus as Cause of Chronic Sinusitis


Relief and addressing the Problem:

We found three ways to get relief – drying up the sinuses, sinus pressure points and a homeopathic CitriDrops Nasal Spray   for fungus (mold) sinus infections

You can read information on these below.

While getting relief, you can work on the basic cause. If antibiotics aren’t working, you can address the underlying fungus condition.

Methods of Relief:

We do know that in order to dry up sinuses when they get bad that you can get alfalfa tablets and pantothenic acid and take a handful to dry up the mucous. This can’t be done all the time, but it will bring some relief.

We found two other methods to get relief. There is Sinus Pressure Points – Acupressure and CitriDrops Nasal Spray

Help for Sinus problems – Sinus Pressure Points

Pressure points have been used to help the pressure and thus the pain of sinus infections.

Massage your Sinus Pressure Points

One thing you can do for sinus relief is to apply pressure to certain points on the face and head to clear the congestion. These are called acupressure points and can help to relieve the pressure. It is said to trigger the natural healing tendencies of the human body.

You can recognize the pressure points by noting the especially tender spots; that’s an indication that some attention is needed.

How do you do it?

Eye pain and Fatigue associated with increased sinus pressure:
Use the pads of your index fingers to press under the bony ridge at the inner edge of your eyebrow.

Relief from Frontal headache pain
Use your thumb pads to apply pressure to your forehead approximately one finger-width above your eyebrow and level with the pupil of your eye.

Relieve frontal sinus pain
Apply pressure to the point on the back of your hand at the web between your thumb and index finger

Relieve nasal and head congestion
Pressure from behind the eyes and eye fatigue

Locate the point just below the cheekbone and level with the pupil of your eye as you look straight ahead. Press upward.

Decrease inflammation and clear your stuffy, runny nose
Press your index fingers to the outer borders of the nose where the nasal flesh meets the face. Hold the pressure for five to seven breaths to open the nasal passages.

Relief from sinus headaches and allergy symptoms
Stimulating the area on top of the foot where the bones between the big toe and the second toe merge.

Relief from a frontal headache (forehead)
Release pressure from behind your eyes

Use your thumb pads to apply pressure to your forehead approximately one finger-width above your eyebrow and level with the pupil of your eye.

Sinus infection top of head
Gently massage or apply pressure to the top of your head, especially right around the crown.

CitriDrops Nasal Spray

If you have tried all kinds of nasal sprays and still have chronic sinus inflammation and congestion, you might be missing ingredients that target fungal sinusitis as 96% of sinus infections are fungal in nature. CitriDrops Nasal Spray is designed to naturally address the most common mold allergy symptoms and is a key tool for clearing the nasal passages of pathogens that can create infection. Break the sinus infection cycle and feel good again!

See CitriDrops Nasal Spray   for more information and to order

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