Sleep Apnea What is it?

sleep apneaThe medical definition of sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep situation in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep. This means the brain — and the rest of the body — may potentially not get enough oxygen.

Some of the possible symptoms

  • Loud snoring
  • Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep — which would be reported by another person
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Morning headache
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)

Without enough sleep a person will have

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
  • Difficulty paying attention while awake
  • Irritability

What Really Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is not really a sleeping problem but is an air obstructive pathway problem. People with sleep apnea can’t breathe because something is blocking their airway.

If you can’t breathe, you can’t sleep. That’s why those diagnosed by a medical doctor use the sleep pap machine to force air. It stands for continuous positive airway pressure. (CPAP).

If you have a sleep apnea, usually, you have a collapsing of the back of the sinus or throat which is atrophy – a sagging tissue that can obstruct the breathing pathway. This can come from different things.

Some people think that this is only for fat people but there are skinny people with sleep apnea, too, and some obese people don’t have it. You usually don’t accumulate fat in the back of the sinuses.

What to Do? from Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.

Change your diet Avoid any milk products like ice cream and cheese because they create swelling.

Food allergies and sugar are big problems. If someone has this problem, they would need to also get off grains and see if it will clear up.

If you have allergies, hives, or asthma, the best remedy is royal jelly. Royal jelly comes from the beehive, which is an excretion a fluid that the bees use to help grow the queen bee and it neutralizes allergies.

High cortisol or high stress can also shrink a nerve that is connected to your brainstem and can go to the back of the sinuses.

To supports inflammation and the adrenal and supports the deeper cause of sinuses so you can start breathing better. (more information about the Cortisol Support Formula)

If you have allergies year-round, it can be because of a fungus growing in your sinuses.

You can work on your gut and establish friendly flora to build up the good bacteria in your gut.

People usually have genuine problem sleeping at night. I recommend adding plants to your bedroom

Sleep Apnea Nutritional Deficiency: The B1 Connection – by Dr. Eric Berg, D.C.

Sleep apnea nutritional deficiency is a critical aspect of this sleep disorder that often goes unnoticed. As we delve into the relationship between sleep apnea and nutrition, it becomes increasingly evident how certain deficiencies can exacerbate the condition.

In this blog post, we will investigate the various implications of sleep apnea-related nutritional deficiencies and their effects on those with the condition.

Firstly, we will discuss the role high glucose levels play in causing sleep apnea and why vitamin B1 is essential for proper brainstem function. We’ll then examine the connection between vitamin B1 and breathing centers, shedding light on how depleted levels affect your body’s ability to breathe properly during sleep.

Moving forward, you’ll learn about symptoms related to low vitamin B1 levels such as lactic acidosis and dyspnea – both connected with Beri Beri disease.

Additionally, we will provide guidance on addressing nutrient deficiencies through supplementation while also highlighting infant nutrition’s importance in preventing future health complications tied to sleep apnea nutritional deficiency.

Sleep Apnea and Nutritional Deficiency
Sleep apnea interrupts breathing during slumber, affecting the quality of sleep. Even though you are tired you might not be sleeping well. High glucose levels can deplete vitamin B1, which maintains normal brainstem function related to breathing centers. Let’s explore how nutritional deficiencies contribute to sleep apnea and how to address this issue.

The Role of High Glucose Levels in Causing Sleep Apnea
High glucose levels cause health issues like diabetes and obesity. However, excessive sugar intake can also lead to sleep apnea. This happens because sugar depletes essential nutrients like vitamin B1, affecting the proper functioning of our respiratory system.

Importance of Vitamin B1 for Proper Brainstem Function
Vitamin B1 is vital for maintaining normal function within the brainstem, particularly regarding its connection with breathing centers. These centers regulate our respiration through involuntary muscle contractions responsible for inhaling and exhaling air. When sugar depletes vitamin B1, it impairs these vital areas, resulting in conditions like sleep apnea.

Vitamin B1’s Connection with Breathing Centers
Vitamin B1 is essential for maintaining normal function within the brainstem, particularly regarding its connection with breathing centers. These centers are linked through the phrenic nerve responsible for controlling diaphragm movement and motor control. When sugar depletes vitamin B1, it impairs these vital areas, resulting in conditions like sleep apnea.

How Depleted Vitamin B1 Affects Your Body’s Ability to Breathe Properly
Thiamine deficiency can lead to sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by irregular breathing patterns due to impaired phrenic nerve functioning. The lack of thiamine affects the normal functioning of our body’s phrenic nerve, which controls diaphragm movement and motor control.

As a result, our breathing patterns become irregular during sleep, causing frequent interruptions and poor-quality rest.

The Link Between Phrenic Nerve Dysfunction and Disrupted Sleeping Patterns
Phrenic nerve dysfunction caused by depleted vitamin B1 levels disrupts our sleeping patterns due to irregularities in respiration. This can result in snoring, labored breathing during slumber, daytime exhaustion, aching heads upon waking up and difficulty with concentration throughout the day.

Addressing these nutritional deficiencies is crucial for improving overall health and well-being while preventing further complications related to disrupted sleeping patterns.

Vitamin B1’s Connection with Breathing Centers
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is essential for maintaining normal function within the brainstem, particularly its connection with breathing centers. These centers control diaphragm movement and motor control through the phrenic nerve. When high sugar levels deplete vitamin B1, it leads to impaired functioning of these vital areas resulting in conditions like sleep apnea.

How Depleted Vitamin B1 Affects Your Breathing
A deficiency in vitamin B1 can cause a disruption in the brainstem’s respiratory center leading to irregular breathing patterns during sleep. This may result from inadequate intake of thiamine-rich foods or poor absorption caused by factors such as alcoholism or gastrointestinal issues. The lack of sufficient thiamine impairs the production of energy molecules required for proper neuronal function, ultimately affecting our ability to breathe efficiently while sleeping.

The Link Between Phrenic Nerve Dysfunction and Disrupted Sleep
The phrenic nerve transmits signals from the brainstem respiratory center down toward the diaphragm muscle, which helps us inhale and exhale air effectively. In cases of severe vitamin B1 deficiency, this communication pathway becomes compromised, causing disruptions in regular breathing cycles during slumber – commonly referred to as sleep apnea.

Types of Sleep Apnea:
Central Sleep Apnea: This type occurs when there is a failure in communication between the brainstem and the phrenic nerve, leading to a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Although not directly caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, this type occurs when there is an obstruction in the airway due to factors such as obesity or enlarged tonsils. However, adequate levels of thiamine can help support proper brainstem function and potentially alleviate some symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea.

To maintain optimal respiratory health and prevent conditions like sleep apnea, it’s essential to pay close attention to our nutritional intake – particularly focusing on nutrients like vitamin B1. By incorporating thiamine-rich foods into our diet or considering supplementation, if necessary, we can ensure that our body has all the resources it needs for proper neuronal communication and overall well-being.

Symptoms Related to Low Vitamin B1 Levels
A deficiency in vitamin B1 can lead to sleep apnea, lactic acidosis, dyspnea, beriberi, and SIDS; thus, highlighting the significance of detecting nutrient deficiencies when experiencing sleeping difficulties or other related symptoms. Understanding these associated health risks emphasizes the importance of addressing potential nutrient deficiencies when experiencing difficulty sleeping or other related issues.

Lactic Acidosis Caused by Low Thiamine Intake
A deficiency in vitamin B1 can lead to a condition known as lactic acidosis, which is characterized by increased acidity. This increased acidity, known as lactic acidosis, can cause muscle pain, weakness, rapid breathing, and even organ failure if left untreated. The connection between low thiamine intake and lactic acidosis highlights the need for proper nutrition to maintain overall health.

Dyspnea – Another Respiratory Symptom Connected with Beri Beri Disease
Beriberi is a condition caused by severe vitamin B1 deficiency that affects the nervous system. One symptom of this disease is dyspnea, which refers to shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

Dyspnea may worsen during physical activity or when lying down flat on your back due to fluid accumulation in the lungs from heart dysfunction caused by beriberi.

The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Other Symptoms Related to Low Vitamin B1 Levels
Recognizing the connection between sleep apnea and other symptoms related to low vitamin B1 levels is essential. Sleep apnea can exacerbate existing health issues such as lactic acidosis and dyspnea, further complicating your overall well-being.

By addressing nutritional deficiencies like insufficient thiamine intake, you can not only improve your sleep quality but also alleviate these associated symptoms.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – A Tragic Consequence of Severe Vitamin B1 Deficiency in Infants
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is a devastating event that occurs when an infant dies suddenly and unexpectedly during their sleep.

Research has suggested that severe vitamin B1 deficiency may be one contributing factor to SIDS, as it affects the proper functioning of vital brainstem areas responsible for breathing control. This tragic syndrome underscores the importance of ensuring adequate nutrition for infants from birth onward.

Incorporating sufficient amounts of vitamin B1 into your diet or supplementing with high-quality sources like unfortified nutritional yeast can help address potential nutrient deficiencies leading to sleep apnea and other health complications.

By being proactive about maintaining optimal thiamine levels, you’re taking a crucial step towards improving both your sleep quality and overall wellness.

Addressing Nutrient Deficiencies Through Supplementation
If you suspect that your sleep problems might stem from nutritional deficiencies such as low vitamin B1 levels, it’s crucial to take action by supplementing your diet.

Dr. Berg recommends taking 100-500mg of vitamin B1 alongside a natural blend of other essential vitamins from nutritional yeast (unfortified). This approach will help address sleep apnea and prevent further health complications.

How much vitamin B1 should you take daily?
The recommended daily intake for adult’s ranges between 100-500mg, depending on individual needs and existing deficiency levels. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances and ensure the appropriate dosage for optimal results.

The benefits of using unfortified nutritional yeast for supplementation
Natural source: Unfortified nutritional yeast is an excellent natural source of various essential nutrients like thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) and folic acid.

Easily absorbed: Since these vitamins are in their naturally occurring forms, they tend to be more easily absorbed by the body compared to synthetic supplements.

Vegan-friendly: Nutritional yeast is suitable for those following plant-based diets since it provides vital nutrients typically found in animal products without any animal-derived ingredients involved.

Taste and versatility: With its savory, cheese-like flavor, nutritional yeast can be easily incorporated into various dishes to enhance taste and boost the nutrient content. You can add it to your greens, stir it into sauces or broths, or use it as a topping for popcorn.

In addition to vitamin B1 supplementation through unfortified nutritional yeast, adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as following the ketogenic diet and practicing intermittent fasting may help improve sleep quality by reducing high glucose levels that contribute to sleep apnea. Remember that addressing underlying health issues is key to ensuring restful nights and overall well-being.

See Nutritional Yeast Natural B Vitamins

Ensuring Adequate Nutrition for Infants
Don’t let SIDS scare you. Ensuring that your baby gets proper nutrition is key to reducing the risk factors associated with this tragic syndrome. Breastfeeding or fortified formula milk can provide the necessary nutrients like vitamin B1 and others during early development stages to promote overall well-being.

Importance of Breastfeeding as a Source of Vital Nutrients
Breastfeeding is the ultimate superfood for your baby. Breastmilk offers a distinctive blend of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and antibodies designed specifically for the requirements of your baby. One such essential nutrient found in breast milk is vitamin B1 (thiamine), which plays a crucial role in maintaining normal brainstem function related to breathing centers. So, nursing mothers, make sure to consume enough vitamin B1 through your diet or supplementation if needed.

Choosing an Appropriate Infant Formula Enriched with Necessary Vitamins
Don’t fret if breastfeeding isn’t an option. High-quality infant formula enriched with necessary vitamins can be a great alternative. Most commercially available formulas are fortified with essential nutrients like vitamin B1 and other key components required for healthy growth and development. When choosing a formula brand for your baby:

Look out for those containing all recommended daily allowances (RDAs) specified by health authorities.

Avoid products containing added sugars or artificial ingredients that may negatively impact your child’s health.

Consult your pediatrician before altering your infant’s diet, particularly if they have dietary requirements or sensitivities.

By providing infants with the right balance of nutrients from either breastmilk or fortified formula milk, parents can help prevent vitamin B1 deficiency and reduce the risk factors associated with SIDS. Furthermore, it sets a strong foundation for overall health and well-being as your child grows.

Don’t forget about the importance of a balanced diet throughout childhood. Encourage healthy eating habits early on by introducing whole foods rich in vitamins like vitamin B1, such as whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Encouraging healthy eating habits in early childhood can ensure a lifetime of health and well-being. (source)

Don’t let Sleep Apnea Nutritional Deficiency ruin your sleep – high glucose levels and lack of vitamin B1 can cause this condition.

Vitamin B1 is essential for proper brainstem function and breathing centers, so depleted levels can lead to disrupted sleep patterns and symptoms like lactic acidosis and dyspnea.

But don’t worry, there are solutions – try supplementing with unfortified nutritional yeast or appropriate infant formula enriched with necessary vitamins, and make sure to breastfeed for vital nutrients.


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