Gut Support for Special Needs Children

special needsMany children experience social, cognitive and behavioral impairment, communication issues, sleep disorders and digestive issues.

Recently due to the number of research being done, a gut problem has been coming up with special needs children, probiotics has been used and to good results.

In reading the studies done, it talks about metabolism and the gut microbiome.

Many medical professionals now recognize metabolic/biochemical abnormalities are present in children with special needs. They suggest nutritional support may improve the underlying biochemical abnormalities.

Research shows that there are natural, nutritional solutions that may help improve the child’s health.

The bottom line is that a poor functioning gut needs to be addressed for the child’s quality of life. 

Nutritional Support to Help Special Needs Children (Studies*)

Studies have shown that special needs children have similar physical problems and nutritional deficiencies that should be addressed for better health.  According to studies special needs children tend to have weak immune systems, causing decreased resistance to infections, particularly upper respiratory and ear infections.  They may also suffer from autoimmune problems, food allergies heavy metal toxicity and sub clinical hypothyroidism.

Many studies done recently show that the special needs child has a problem with their microbiome, the gut. A lot of problems are also due to the children tending to have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, particularly shortages of zinc, selenium, vitamins B6 and magnesium.

Orthodox medicine defines special needs as a neurological disorder and treats patients with behavioral modification programs and with drugs. However, the brain is a physical part of the person, whose functioning can be improved through nutrition.

Environmental physicians, defined as doctors who study the relationship between patients and their environment, see positive changes when nutritional programs are followed.

What Can You Do?

A good diet is so important. Some foods, although tasty, could be harming the immune system, the autoimmune response and disrupting the gut microbiome.   The most important thing to address is the gut because if the body doesn’t digest the food properly, the other needed vitamins will not be absorbed or utilized well.  One should ensure that the special needs diet incorporate food that supports the gut. The healthier and gut friendly foods and drinks they consume, the better their overall health will be.  Here are some foods that will help the gut and also have the vitamins that will help supply the needed vitamins.

Fermented Foods

Fermenting is a method of preserving foods with bacteria and yeast. When you eat or drink fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, or kombucha, you get the live bacteria in them. This makes them a great source of probiotics.

Yoghurt is already a popular food in the American diet. But for gut health, only consume sugar-free yoghurt. Foods high in added sugar will eliminate the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Foods that Feed your Microbiome

Prebiotics function as a food source for the gut microbiome to help it do its job. Consuming dietary prebiotics to feed the microbiome, such as apples, cocoa extracts, bananas, nuts, seeds, red wine extracts, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and green tea extracts.


The more vegetables in their diet the better. Vegetables are beneficial for the gut because they contain fibers that cannot be digested but are consumed by the good bacteria in your gut. Some vegetables that feed your microbes are leeks, onions, garlic, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, and root vegetables.

Camel Milk

All growing children need good nutrition every day and children love milk. But autoimmune problems that special needs children often have make them lactose intolerant.  Camel milk is well tolerated even by the lactose intolerant.

Camel milk has a protein, carbohydrate and calorie content comparable to whole cow milk, but it also has some big nutritional advantages. Camel milk has more calcium than other milks and beneficial levels of bioavailable minerals – selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and other minerals. It also has 3 to 5 times more Vitamin C. The higher level of certain amino acids (such as methionine, valine, and leucine) found in camel milk as compared with cow milk, can help proper growth and development.

The results of recent studies of camel milk indicate that camel milk therapy over the course of 4 weeks of therapy, significantly improved clinical measurements of cognition and social communication in the children involved in the studies.

Camel Milk can help promote optimum gut health because camel milk contains probiotics (good bacteria) that can help keep the gut microbiome in balance with optimal numbers of the good bacteria and help keep bacteria in the right ratio to one another. Both things are important for better health.\

Read more about the wonders of Camel Milk

How to support the gut and the microbiome?

Metabolism is a generic word for EVERY chemical process in your body from energy production to cellular reproduction and fighting off disease.

This is the best formula we found that has the needed nutrients to improve Metabolism.  It is targeted nutrition at a cellular level.

There is a webinar where John Payne, CEO of Purelife Health Sciences Group, speaks with Amal Tolba, Founder and Director of the Hope Abilitation and Medical Center in Dubai. John provides the science behind the development of Teknon and 2 success stories from US children it has helped.
See:  Webinar Video

A Special Protocol for improving metabolism and gut health in Special Needs 

I know that many special needs children have a problem with food and its texture.  Since no one would not want to order a full box of the formula, without knowing what the child will feel, we’ve made it possible to Order just a sample to make sure the child will like it and continue with the protocol

Sample Order Teknon Order 

To Understand More, and the Protocol TEKNON PROTOCOL 

References: (from published research papers) Find more at PUBMED.GOV)


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