Using Nutritional Supplements to address health challenges, how does it work?

nutritional supplementsNutritional Supplements in Healing

Most people grow up using drugs as the therapy to turn to when they are sick? But why is nutrition a much better method?

First the definition of Nutrition:

Nu-tri-tion n. (taken from

1. The process of nourishing or being nourished, especially the process by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and for replacement of tissues.

2. The science or study that deals with food and nourishment, especially in humans.

3. A source of nourishment; food.

Now if you think about what you learned in school, you know that the body is designed to discard old damaged cells and make new cells.

What does the body need to do that? It needs the correct nutrition. It needs not only protein, carbohydrates and fats, but it needs all the enzymes, vitamins, minerals and co-factors normally found in food. It needs it to build healthy cells. It needs natural vitamins to give the body what it needs to produce energy and to function (digestion, movement, etc. etc.)

Proteins are the building blocks. You need other nutrients to make the body work but you also need nutrients so the body can replicate its old cells and build health new ones.

This is especially important when the body needs to replace injured or damaged cells. If it isn’t getting the right tools – the right nutrients, it can’t do that and will reproduce cells that won’t do the job.

“The assumption that human technology could improve on the wisdom of nature has become a primary cause of disease in the modern world. We dissect food, take out the most glaringly obvious parts, attempt to recreate them in a laboratory, and label them as ‘active ingredients’. In fact it is the symphony of nutrients working synergistically that provides the quantum healing power of whole foods.”

September 2002 issue of the American Journal of Natural Medicine feature article by Patrick Quillan, PhD

The body given the correct nutrients will make things right in the body. The body may need a lot of a specific vitamins for a while, which is why we have whole food supplements.

Why Supplements & not Drug Therapy?

“One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poison in trying to correct the reactions of starvation.” Dr. Royal Lee – January 12, 1951

Drugs are used to cover up symptoms and alleviate suffering. But drugs work by forcing the body to do something that it normally wouldn’t do, covering up deficiencies, and will have side effects.

Going to the cause of the problem and giving the body what it needs to fix the problem is what nutritional healing is all about. hopes to help you find what you need to fix health challenges and build a healthy body.


Getting educated in nutrition and how the body works will take you on the road to good health.   We found a great science-based program to learn the basics so you know what you should be eating and what you shouldn’t be eating and WHY.

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