Good Foods List for Building Health

good foods listMeats: Organic, Hormone Free preferred beef, lamp veal, pork, buffalos Grass-fed and grass finished is best

Are you working on building your health?   Do you know what good foods actually are?   You can understand why you eat certain foods and what foods you don’t.    More on how to learn that later (below), but meanwhile, here is the list to start you on your way.

Chemical Free chicken, turkey, cornish hens

No lunch meat or cured meats with nitrate or MSG

Seafood: Any fish or shellfish, fresh or frozen

Homemade breaded fish using almond flour or gluten-free bread crumbs

Other Proteins: Tofu or Tempeh, Legumes

Nuts & Seeds: Natural nuts and seeds, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. raw or dry roasted.  Sprouted is best.

Natural nut butter where oil rises to the top – avoid commercial brands (containing hydrogenated oils and sugars) best is almond butter.

Note: Make sure you get adequate protein each day. If you have any questions on this buy and read the book “The Protein Power” by Eades and Eades a widely accepted rule of thumb is that the body requires 1 gram of protein for every 2 pounds of body weight per day (not for everyone … ask your health practitioner).


Replace cow’s milk with rice or almond or coconut milk, or best Camel Milk  Camel Milk is high in nutrients and even those with lactose intolerance can drink it.

Fertile, free-range or organic eggs.

Organic or Raw Butter (NO margarine)

Cheese (raw or organic), Cottage Cheese

Yogurt without added sugar (Stoneyfield Farm Organic is one brand)


Raw or Organic butter (NO margarine, it’s hydrogenated)

Fresh flaxseed oil (lowers cholesterol)

Olive Oil, Coconut Oil (all cold-pressed)

Fish Oils

Avocado is a great source of oil and many other nutrients.


Raw or steamed vegetables, preferably organic 7-10 servings per day

All homemade soups or frozen soups from the health food store (check the ingredients that there isn’t any MSG in it – MSG has many names)

AVOID starchy vegetables (potatoes, yams, corn, squash, peas) more than 1-2 times per week, or less if you are on a more stringent carbohydrate restriction.

Salads – raw vegetable salads

Salad Dressing – use any cold-pressed oil with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, Italian dressings made with fresh (preferably organic) ingredients; Paul Newman’s is good.

Condiments & Spices

Organic, natural herbs & spices

Celtic, Himalayan, Mediterranean Sea Salt

Ginger – very healthy spice


Although some people will say they are needed for health, they are mostly carbs. Carbs get the body to put out lots of insulin (carbs are just glucose molecules hooked together) Large amounts of insulin is not healthy.  Carbs are not needed by the body. Getting carbs from vegetables is more than enough.


Limit fruits if you have a blood sugar or insulin problem. Berries are best.

Fresh organically grown fruits

Fresh fruit or vegetable juices, diluted with 50% water

V-8 and tomato juice.

Note: only 1-2 servings per day or less if so advised.

Sweeteners: Not advised at all, but you must, limit to very small amounts.


Raw Honey

Pure Maple Syrup (Grade B is best)

Fresh Fruit


Organic, herb teas

Roasted Chicory (replacement for coffee)

Lemon water without or with Stevia

Avoid tap water, drink filtered water

Almond milk

Desserts – Occasionally

Fresh fruit with organic yogurt and raw honey

Plain gelatin – add fruit

SnackTreats for Kids (also see desserts)

Popsicles for children (use natural fruit juices or black cherry concentrate

Fruit juice sweetened treat (cookies, bars, rice ice cream)

Fresh fruit

Chips (NO HYDROGENATED OILS) the “Kettle Brand” chips are best.

NOTE: Your doctor’s recommendations are specific to you. You may not be able to have everything on this list. Please be sure to check on what is on your health program.


Do you want to know the science behind what you need to eat and what you should stay away from?
we found a great EAT WELL Nutritional Coaching Training 

Lots of subjects so you can truly understand what is needed for health and take control.

Find out about the Eat Well Nutritional Course


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