Alcohol Nutritional Program for Restoring Health.

restoring health after alcoholNutritional Supplement Program

Alcohol’s effect on health can be reverted with nutrients that the body becomes deficient in.

Why are there nutritional deficiencies with alcohol?

Alcohol does not allow the normal nutrients of the food you eat to be used. It does not allow it to be absorbed and metabolized. Thus, the person using alcohol winds up with malnutrition and the symptoms one normally observes as the result of heavy alcohol consumption.

Since alcohol impairs both digestion and absorption. It is not surprising to find gastrointestinal problems as well.

The liver is in charge of handling toxins in the body. With alcohol, it has trouble as there are too many toxins to handle.


What are the physical problems that need to be addressed and what nutrition will help? Here are great suggestions.

The Best Foods for a Recovering Alcoholic

Alcohol Cravings

Recommend is kombucha tea. It is a wonderful substitute because it actually has the same texture as beer.

Promote Healthy Liver

Also use Dopa Mucuna, which is an African bean called the ‘velvet bean’ that actually helps people come off of alcohol and drugs, because it simulates dopamine which is the pleasure/reward system of the brain.

Many people have a fatty liver (about 30% of the population) even without alcohol, but most people think of alcoholic fatty liver because alcohol
It is a problem and needs to be addressed read What Is a Fatty Liver?

Building Health

Eating a good diet is recommended. When you can’t eat right, daily Vitamins that provide your body with the basics are needed.  Make sure they are a whole food supplement.

Do you have neuropathy? Alcohol can bring that on. Find out what you can do See Neuropathy Caused by Alcohol

Back to What Alcohol does to the body

Learning what to eat to be healthy can be done when one learns what one needs to properly supply the body with what it needs.   you can find out what to eat by Eat Well Nutritional Course.  A program that educates people on what to eat and WHY.  Eat Well Nutritional Education Course


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