“Mental Health” Condition Books – Help Using Natural Methods

Below is a list of reviewed books that can help overcome all the “labels” that are given to people. There are natural methods of addressing these nutritional imbalances and deficiencies. These books cover this.

Using Nutrition

mental healthBooks on specific labels below on these subjects: 


A Dose of Sanity: Mind, Medicine and Misdiagnosis    Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker III was one of the early pioneers in the research of medically-caused “mental illness.” In this very popular book he discusses how psychiatric diagnoses such as “schizophrenia” and “ADD” are erroneous and useless. He goes on to cover how medical ailments are the “real causes” of so-called “mental illness” – a subject he researched and practiced clinically for over 3 decades. As one of the world authorities on the area, he gives many case histories from his practice of how Lyme disease, typhus, sleep problems, hypoglycemia, pin worms, and a host of other medical problems can and do create what looks like “mental illness.” Includes a discussion of how to pinpoint ailments in yourself using Dr. Walker’s 24-hour detailing of symptoms throughout the day. This is a great and easy read for anyone wanting to understand how perplexing “mental illnesses” can have medical causes.

The Diet Cure Although written as a book on how to get off the diet merry-go-round, The Diet Cure is an in-depth look at how diet effects mental health. Through a questionnaire, the reader can narrow down the dietary or nutritional sources of a multitude of undesirable mental symptoms. Ross then follows with full and simple information on how to correct each problem through dietary change or simple medical advice. This book is a must for anyone with unwanted mental symptoms who wants to get on a sound diet for better health.

The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Rebalance Your Emotional Chemistry and Rediscover Your Natural Sense of Well-Being The Diet Cure to answer people’s questions about the role of diet in mental health. The Mood Cure is even better. Can’t handle stress? Can’t enjoy life anymore? Does everything look bleak, even though you know it isn’t? Well, much of this can be caused by bad biochemistry brought on by a poor diet, high-pressured living, and even a genetic inability to process nutrients well. In The Mood Cure Julia Ross covers the most common causes of various types of depression and anxiety (covering 4 “syndromes”) and how to deal with these naturally for immediate results, sometimes within minutes. She makes heavy use of amino acids and other safe substances. Her self-treatment plans are loaded with backup options in case the original plans don’t get results, as is often the case when one is hunting and punching around to find the right cause and treatment for mental symptoms

The Cure for All Diseases    Dr. Hulda Clark received a doctorate degree in physiology in 1958. In 1979 she left government research and became an independent research scientist and began private consulting on a full time basis. Six years later she discovered an electronic technique for scanning the body for bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, dyes, solvents and molds. In this book she lays out what she calls the true causes and cures for all diseases especially depression, schizophrenia, autism, thyroid problems, chronic fatigue, migraines, seizures and MS. The purpose of this book is to enable the reader to diagnose and treat himself. Dr Clark shows you how to do the total cleanups – body (including a liver cleanse), environment, dental and diet (especially removing solvents and molds which are covered up by “natural flavors” in foods). The liver cleanse is reported to improve digestion dramatically which is the basis of your whole health. A hundred case histories are included.

Natural Highs: Supplements, Nutrition, and Mind-Body Techniques to Help You Feel Good All the Time  Depression and anxiety have become rampant in our modern society, prompting ads everywhere for antidepressants and tranquilizers. Even lesser doldrums and states of stress can make life lose its luster. Is there something YOU can do about it? Yes! Natural Highs looks at dietary, nutritional and herbal supports that can make you feel good routinely. It’s the guidebook for eliminating the eating habits that are bringing you down and fine-tuning the body’s natural feel-good mechanisms to create a natural high.

Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections This is the 2000 edition of the classic book that has occupied health food bookstore shelves for years. Psychiatrist William Philpott relates how he came to recognize the role that environmental and food allergies play in creating severe mental symptoms from depression to psychosis. He extensively discusses nutritional factors in mental health. Case histories are related and testing methods are spelled out so the reader can track down environmental and food allergies

Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomolecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness Dr. Carl Pfeiffer was one of the pioneering researchers in the nutritional (“orthomolecular”) handling of “mental illness.” He successfully treated thousands of patients. This very readable, slim volume covers the basic medical and nutritional causes of mental disorders and how to treat them. It is an excellent introduction to the subject of how nutritional imbalances, metabolic disorders, allergies, and other medical ailments create severe mental phenomena.

Mental Health conditions have been linked to Metabolism. Do you want a Healthier Metabolism?  Read:  What is Metabolism and Improving Metabolism 

Preventing Misdiagnosis of Women: A Guide to Physical Disorders That Have Psychiatric Symptoms Although this book is slanted toward the discussion of women’s health, it covers the common medical ailments that can effect both sexes and create the appetency of “mental illness.” This is one of the very few modern books on this subject. It covers thyroid problems, hypoglycemia, temporal lobe epilepsy (a type with often unnoticeable seizures), and many other medical ills that are commonly diagnosed as “mental illness.” Written for professional and layman alike. Includes a checklist of symptoms and possible medical causes.

The Enzyme Cure: An Alternative Medicine Guide (Alternative Medicine Guides) An eye-opening and very readable discussion of enzymes, a basic nutritional need, and how they effect both mental and physical health. Shows how simple enzyme treatment can treat 36 common ailments, including many that cause mental trouble. Includes an excellent discussion of hypothyroidism, a commonly missed illness that causes a host of mental problems. Also covers many case histories, including those with “mental illness” such as depression and “manic depression,” of people who have recovered using enzyme treatment.

Complete Idiot’s Guide to Vitamins and Minerals This is one of the clearest, yet most comprehensive, texts on nutrition that we have found. It gives a chapter on every vitamin and main mineral plus extra chapters on trace minerals and many other nutrients you hear about and find in the health food store. Very good explanations for many nutritional words. The book tells which vitamins and mineral are likely to be deficient in which groups of people. The effects of nutritional deficiencies, including mental troubles, are well-covered. It covers what ailments are likely to benefit from nutrient supplements. It clears up a lot of confusions and falsehoods and gives good advice on which nutrients you need to stay healthy and in what amounts.

The Hyperactivity Hoax: How to Stop Drugging Your Child and Find Real Medical Help  Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker takes on the psychiatric profession in the battle over the “diagnoses” of ADD and ADHD. Citing many examples of his years in private practice, Dr. Walker shows how children’s allergies, toxic exposures, normal medical ailments, and other physical problems routinely lead them to be falsely labeled with “hyperactivity” or “Attention Deficit Disorder.” He gives solid advice on what parents can do to help children who have been targeted by teachers or psychologists as Ritalin candidates. Don’t buy into the “hyperactivity hoax.” Instead, buy Dr. Sydney Walker’s The Hyperactivity Hoax!

Yeast Connection Handbook made “candida” a household word. In his new handbook Dr. Crook covers all the modern knowledge on candida and shows the many disguises it can take and the multitude of symptoms (including mental problems) it can cause. Three chapters at the end give a cornucopia of tips and valuable info on dozens of topics related to natural healing, alternative medicine, and just plain common sense. This is the bible for anyone with candida problems or who has the classic symptoms of feeling “sick all over.” See Candida

The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children   In an age when over 7 billion dollars is spent on antidepressants per year, up to 24% of adults experience a mental health crisis in any given year, and 7-14% of children will experience an episode of major depression before the age of 15, it may be time to blame the real culprit. Prepared, packaged junk and fast foods are often condemned due to nutritional concerns. However, these specific foods may also lead to mental problems including lack of mental clarity, panic attack symptoms, mood swings, fatigue, and anxiety.

Chemical additives like MSG and aspartame, as well as diets low in vitamins and minerals and high in pesticide residues, may cause mental symptoms that appear from nowhere. This author is a certified clinical nutritionist who suffered from emotional troubles such as depression, hostility, fatigue, and confusion before her own changes in diet alleviated these conditions. Concern for the reader’s well-being and mental health is continual throughout the book as she offers reasonable diet choices and recipes to incorporate into one’s own lifestyle and personal food preferences. Simontacchi suggests gradual incremental changes to one’s nutritional habits to reconstruct the damage that has been done and to lead one readily towards long-term success.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone Are you suffering from headaches, fatigue, anxiety, changes in your mood, maybe even depression or memory loss? If you’re a woman, and more than half of us are, you may want to consider the effects your hormone balance is having on the rest of your body. Hormone balance does effect every system of our body, including our nervous system. In Lee’s book, you will find a comprehensive guide covering the in’s and out’s of hormone balance, including how to test, treat, and maintain a harmonious hormonal system, and the dangers of synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera. Natural progesterone as an alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy, is widely considered more available, more effective, safer, and relatively inexpensive, with no known side effects when used in small quantities. This book will educate you on many hormonal concerns and natural treatments with over 300 pages of detailed, up to date, and medically trained advice. A must have for women of all ages!

Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications   While your doctor may take fifteen minutes to decide you need a psychiatric drug, you may end up taking it for months, years, or a lifetime. You deserve to know the dangers in advance – including the difficulties you may encounter when trying to withdraw. Your Drug May Be Your Problem provides an up-to-date, uncensored description of the dangers involved in taking every kind of psychiatric medication and tells how to safely stop taking them

Potatoes Not Prozac, A Natural Seven-Step Dietary Plan to Stabilize the Level of Sugar in Your Blood, Control Your Cravings and Lose Weight, and Recognize How Foods Affect the Way You Feel   The same brain chemicals that are altered by antidepressant drugs are also affected by the foods we eat. Many people, including those who are depressed, are “sugar sensitive.” Eating sweets gives them a temporary emotional boost, which leads to a craving for still more sweets. This book presents a practical and workable eating program that uses everyday foods–with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates and vegetables–to balance blood sugars and ease depression.

Is This Your Child    In this breakthrough book, Dr. Doris Rapp offers a simple yet effective approach to handling “problem” children. Is This Your Child? Shows parents how to identify the common foods, chemicals, or common allergic substances that could be the culprits that cause some children or adults to feel unwell or act inappropriately. If your child is always sick, hyperactive, a slow learner or cranky, the first question you should ask is not “What drug should be prescribed?” or “What have I done wrong as a parent?” Instead, find out the cause.

Dr. Rapp gives sensible suggestions about how these reactions to foods and environmental factors can be recognized, prevented and treated. With this information, many affected children should feel, act, behave and learn better. If you can detect unsuspected environmental illness in your child or yourself you can change your lives so you’re more content, happy, and free of illness.

Optimum Nutrition for the Mind: Expanded & Updated By Patrick Holford

Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, by popular British nutritionist Patrick Holford is the finest book we have seen to date on natural treatment of mental disorders. This is a must-read for clinicians and lay persons who want to know the underlying physical factors in poor mental health, ranging from depression to schizophrenia to Alzheimer’s. Covering more than just nutrition, it delves into hormonal function, allergies, toxins, and many of the other hidden influences that so bedevil the “mentally ill” and result in their being misdiagnosed with psychiatric disorders. Virtually all forms of mental misfunction are reviewed, from sleep problems to poor memory to full-blown psychosis.

Natural Healing for Schizophrenia & Other Common Mental Disorders


A.D.D.: The Natural Approach   This book tells about the pitfalls of using drug treatments on people with “A.D.D.” and hyperactivity. The authors ask, “Are we creating a society of drug dependent children?” Written for the skeptic as well as the believer in natural healing, A.D.D The Natural Approach uses a common sense approach with natural solutions that work. The information within its covers could change your life and the life of your child.

The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet! A Comprehensive Look at Contributing Factors and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity The latest research information concerning contributing factors and dietary implications for people labeled with “A.D.D.” They present this material in an easy-to-read book that reveals how candida can become a problem, what foods are common allergens and what foods can be toxic. They cover eating habits that contribute to maldigestion and immune system compromise, nutritional supplements that help and information on non-dietary approaches.


No More ADHD   This breakthrough book shows why Ritalin may be extremely dangerous to your child’s health and why the condition known as ADHD can and should be treated through safer and more effective means. Dr. Block’s revolutionary method is based on the belief that you can’t treat the problem until you identify the underlying causes of ADHD. Using actual case histories from her clinic, Dr. Block offers powerful evidence that a drug-free approach works.

The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet! A Comprehensive Look at Contributing Factors and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity The latest research information concerning contributing factors and dietary implications for people labeled with “A.D.D.” They present this material in an easy-to-read book that reveals how candida can become a problem, what foods are common allergens and what foods can be toxic. They cover eating habits that contribute to maldigestion and immune system compromise, nutritional supplements that help and information on non-dietary approaches.

Solving the Mystery of ADHD: Naturally A certified teacher and counselor herself, Linda Santini documents more than 20 years of dealing with ADHD-like symptoms and a wide array of treatments. From therapists to risky medications, from extreme symptoms to dangerous consequences, the author’s family experiences led her to a decade of research into the causes of ADHD and promising natural treatments.


Smart Nutrients: Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s, Enhance Brain Function Once, senility — the slow deterioration of mental capacity — was considered to be an irreversible death sentence. Today, scientific evidence shows that targeted nutritional therapy can be used to fight a variety of diseases affecting the brain, including Alzheimer’s, arteriosclerosis, and chronic malnutrition. In this book, acclaimed medical researcher Dr. Abram Hoffer and holistic health writer Dr. Morton Walker present a program of diet and supplementation specifically developed to prevent or reverse senility. They also provide an invaluable guide for all people who wish to achieve optimum health for their thought processes and memory.

See articles on Alzheimer’s


Natural Relief for Anxiety: Complementary Strategies for Easing Fear, Panic & Worry Natural Relief for Anxiety    Looks in great depth at all the approaches including medical problems, nutrition, diet, and exercise. It also covers Oriental medicine and other commonsense options. This is by far the most comprehensive and usable text we have found on the subject and it should be extremely helpful to anyone who has temporary or chronic problems with anxiety or panic attacks.

Kava: Nature’s Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia   Kava has been used ritually and medicinally in the islands of the South Pacific for centuries. Widely used in Europe, this herb has been shown to relieve tension and anxiety while maintaining alertness. In this very readable book, the authors give the full background on Kava, discuss it’s many uses for anxiety and insomnia, and show its merits versus the drawbacks of psychotropic medication.

Natural Medicine Guide to Anxiety (Healthy Mind Guides)


Children With Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder   In 1996, Jaquelyn McCandless, M.D., discovered that her two-year old granddaughter had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. “Her diagnosis and unusually compelling nature,” says McCandless, “inspired a reorientation of my professional life from the practice of psychiatry with a focus on alternative and anti-aging medicine to an immersion into the biomedical aspects of autism.” Her recently published book, “Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder,” is the result of that immersion. McCandless takes the reader into the latest scientific research on the many risk factors in autism: toxic reactions, heavy metal contamination, wheat/milk allergies, viral causes, etc. This is a much-needed, practical hands-on book for physicians and lay people alike that gives them real tools in bringing about improvements and sometimes complete recoveries for those children unfortunate enough to fall prey to the autism epidemic that has swept the world in recent decades.

See article  Autism


Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies

The symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder are devastating and ruin many lives – lives that can often be saved through proper diagnosis and treatment of the exact underlying medical and nutritional causes of the condition. Based on impeccable research and first-hand knowledge from her personal recovery, Gracelyn Guyol has laid out an excellent compendium outlining the classic physical causes and treatments for depression and bipolar disorder. Included are interviews with many who have recovered, taken from the testimonial pages of AlternativeMentalHealth.com. This is vital knowledge for anyone seeking to recover from these debilitating conditions.

The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder (The Healthy Mind Guides) Few books exist on the holistic treatment of bipolar symptoms. This book does an outstanding job of addressing the problem. The chapter “Causes, Triggers, and Contributors” is the best we have ever seen on laying out the full spectrum of causes and risk factors that can bring about bipolar symptoms. Knowing these contributory factors, one could make a good assessment of an individual and lay our a powerful action plan that dramatically increases the likelihood of recovery – in fact, Marohn presents an excellent plan of this type in the same chapter. Other chapters cover such areas as cranial osteopathy, amino acid treatment, nutritional treatments and allergy treatments. On the more adventurous side, Marohn gives us chapters on shamanistic healing and Family Constellation Work (delving into the past lives of families).


Depression-Free, Naturally: 7 Weeks to Eliminating Anxiety, Despair, Fatigue, and Anger from Your Life  Many people who appear to have life under control are simply great actors. Underneath they live with inner tensions, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, paranoia, racing thoughts, ongoing anger, and bone weary fatigue. What is the best treatment for these problems? Psychotherapy? Prescription drugs? Joan Mathews-Larson, Ph.D., the brilliant nutritionist who founded Minnesota’s esteemed Health Recovery Center, believes that there is a better way to treat these mental conditions. Her new book, Depression Free, Naturally, offers revolutionary formulas for healing emotions biochemically. Developed and tested at Health Recovery Center, these natural formulas have been proven effective at eliminating depression, anxiety, fatigue, and anger.

Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies The symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder are devastating and ruin many lives – lives that can often be saved through proper diagnosis and treatment of the exact underlying medical and nutritional causes of the condition. Based on impeccable research and first-hand knowledge from her personal recovery, Gracelyn Guyol has laid out an excellent compendium outlining the classic physical causes and treatments for depression and bipolar disorder. Included are interviews with many who have recovered, taken from the testimonial pages of AlternativeMentalHealth.com. This is vital knowledge for anyone seeking to recover from these debilitating conditions.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About (TM) Depression: The Breakthrough Integrative Approach for Effective Treatment Books by holistic psychiatrists are not that common (Drs. Abram Hoffer, Hyla Cass, and Michael Lesser being among the few). When one comes from a physician such as Dr. Michael Schachter, with more than 30 years of experience with alternative treatments, it’s worth taking notice. In this book, Dr. Schachter borrows from his decades of clinical work to tell you what has worked in his practice. He discusses nutrition, light therapy, diet, herbs, hormones, medical testing and other approaches that can be combined and tailored for each person battling depression. One reader wrote, “I have used a couple of other books in the past for using supplements and amino acids to combat my depression. This book is the BEST out of those three. Dr Schachter gives a more comprehensive overview of the types of neurotransmitters and than an approach to start balancing the inhibitory and then the excititory neurotransmitters.”

The Natural Medicine Guide to Depression (The Healthy Mind Guides)

Natural Alternatives  to Prozac Natural Alternatives to Prozac is easy to read and well organized. It covers the basic underlying causes of depression and offers natural solutions that provide safe, effective relief.


B3 Niacin and Schizophrenia this is an educational video

Orthomolecular Treatment for Schizophrenia COMBAT THE SEVERE MENTAL SYMPTOMS KNOWN AS SCHIZOPHRENIA WITH THE MEGAVITAMIN AND NUTRITIONAL STRATEGIES OF ORTHOMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY – Schizophrenia is a syndrome with biochemical origins that has the hallmarks of debilitating perceptual disorders and thought disturbances. Orthomolecular psychiatry, a treatment strategy that uses megadoses of vitamins B-3 and C in conjunction with correct nutrition, yields a 90 percent recovery rate in acute cases and up to 50 percent in chronic patients. This guide by the cofounder of orthomolecular therapy offers a step-by-step approach so that patients and their families will get the maximum benefits from treatment.

Natural Healing for Schizophrenia & Other Common Mental Disorders

The information of this Website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of physicians or health care practitioners. It is also not intended to diagnose or prescribe treatment for any illness or disorder. Anyone already undergoing physician-prescribed therapy should seek the advice of his or her doctor before reducing the dosage or stopping such treatment

Improving your Metabolism a page for a metabolism supplement.

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