Things You Can Do to Help Neuropathy

help neuropathyThe first thing you need to know about neuropathy is it is nerve damage. The second thing you need to know is that B vitamins are needed by the body to build healthy nerves.

In order to see an improvement in your neuropathy you need to find out what will burn up B vitamins and thus slow your progress. It a matter of math, if you are using things that uses up the B vitamins, you need more of the B vitamins to make progress.

Drinking a lot of coffee, tea and soft drinks (including de-caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks) cause the loss of both water and water-soluble B vitamins from the body. Heavy smoking, drinking of alcohol, use of antibiotics and birth control pills, as well as stress can all burn up B vitamins.

Drinking a lot of coffee, tea and soft drinks (including de-caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks) cause the loss of both water and water-soluble B vitamins from the body. Heavy smoking, sugar, sugar substitutes (except Stevia), additives in processed foods and soft drinks, drinking of alcohol, use of antibiotics and birth control pills, as well as stress can all burn up B vitamins.

Do not consume anything with MSG in it. MSG can cause nerve damage and can contribute to your condition. Here is an article that lists the various names that MSG is called and that you might find on a label. MSG names

There are many prescription medications that have neuropathy listed as a side effect. Realize that if you are taking one or more of the medications, it can add to the amount of time it will take for you to see results and your neuropathy helped.

Taking the right nutrients will still build healthy nerves, it may just take longer, or you might need to take more of the B vitamins you take on a daily basis.

If you have any question about your medications and the side effects associated with neuropathy you can check sy or can also check the literature that comes with your medication (this is actually what is listed on these websites). The side effects are usually not “neuropathy” but the symptoms of neuropathy such as paresthesia, numbness, tingling, burning, pins and needles or any symptom of unhealthy nerves. If you are taking a medication that has these as a side effect, you should get with your medical doctor who can hopefully prescribe a different medication.

Fortunately neuropathy can be helped with the correct nutritional support as B vitamins are needed to build healthy nerves.

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