When the Bones Lose Density – Osteoporosis

osteoporosisHow prevalent is osteoporosis?

In the U.S., approximately 10 million women and men have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and 18 million have been found to have low bone mass. In the U.S., approximately 1.5 million fractures occur annually as a result of osteoporosis.

Although thought otherwise by some, osteoporosis is not a normal part of aging. It is a normal part of degeneration, which comes about for several reasons. Many seniors in their sixties, seventies and eighties still have solid bones.

Who is at risk to get Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis affects men and women of all races. White and Asian women, especially those who are past menopause, are at highest risk.

You may be more likely to get it, if you:

  • Are over age 50
  • Smoke
  • Have a low body weight
  • Family members who had osteoporosis or broken bones
  • Do not get enough exercise
  • Drink alcohol (more than 3 drinks/day) depletes the body of nutrients.
  • Certain medications are taken for a long period of time – for instance, seizure medications and steroids depleting the body of needed nutrients.
  • Poor diet that depletes the body of needed nutrients

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

  • Back pain which is caused by a fractured or collapsed vertebra
  • Loss of height over time
  • Stooped posture
  • A bone fracture that occurred much more easily then would be expected.
  • A fall or even mild stresses, like bending over or coughing, causes a fracture.

Results from blood tests can be misleading. The body’s first priority is to keep the blood serum well supplied with calcium. Calcium is needed to fight infection and is also anti-fungal.

If you diet is low in calcium, the body robs from other parts of the body – teeth, bones, spine. This creates the porous bones in osteoporosis. Robbery on a steady basis results in loss of bone mass with collapse or fracture.

Treatment for Healthy Bones

The body needs specific vitamins to make sure that the body has enough of what it needs in order to maintain health. Bones are no different.

Bone, composed primarily of calcium, is a living tissue which contains cells, collagen, and other substances. The body is constantly breaking down and rebuilding bones. How does a bone lose mass and become porous.

Lack of Calcium

(1) Diet low in calcium. Some nutrition oriented doctors feel that the cholesterol phobia has reduced the intake of one of the best sources of calcium: milk and other dairy products without replacing them with calcium food sources of similar value.

There are lots of sources for calcium – peas and beans, collards, beat, broccoli, turnip, spinach (most dark, leafy greens), mackerel, ocean perch, salmon, tofu, almonds, blackstrap molasses, Chinese cabbage, green cabbage, cauliflower, figs, oranges, sesame seeds, raisins, chick peas, kelp, rhubarb, carrots.

Adequate calcium throughout life may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

(2) Eating man-made foods – virtually “foodless” food (fast food and other processed foods) have deprived many of calcium and other minerals and vitamins that team with calcium to make strong bones and teeth.

(Are you getting the idea that it’s the nutritional deficiencies created from the “normal” fast food lifestyle? Read on)

Calcium is also stolen from the body by the following: (they deplete the body of calcium)

(1) Caffeine in coffee and soft drinks can deplete the body of calcium.

(2) Refined Sugar (not lactose, milk sugar) interferes with calcium entering the bones.

(3) Alcohol, as a sugar, limits the making of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid and also encourages the loss of magnesium and calcium.

(4) A deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the stomach blocks calcium absorption and increases excretion of calcium in the urine.

(5) A deficiency in Vitamin B-6, closely associated with magnesium, can also cause the departure of calcium.

(6) Smoking causes excessive loss of calcium.

(7) Other enemies of calcium use or retention are antacids, aspirin, mineral oil, cortisone (the natural kind brought on by stress, or the prescribed hormone replacement), drugs for epilepsy, excessive sweating and – nursing an infant.

(8) Use of certain medications including steroids, anticonvulsants, loop diuretics (furosemide), long-term use of heparin, and GnRH analogs (estrogen-suppressing medications). Always check your medications to make sure that this isn’t a side effect – use rxlist.com or talk to your pharmacist who has a database. If you find a problem, talk to your doctor to see what you can do.

(9) Exercise: Lack of physical exercise will actually pull calcium from our bones. Numerous experiments have established that non-nutritional factor of exercise can preserve bone mass and volume, and even re-build bone.

Regular exercising of weight-bearing bones, in particular, helps retain, and frequently builds bone volume and density. Examples of good weight-bearing exercises include: walking, jogging, stair climbing, back strengthening, and weight lifting.

(10) Excess Sodium: can decrease calcium absorption. Processed foods are full of sodium which is used to preserve these foods.

(11) Magnesium: At a ratio of one part magnesium to two parts calcium – calcium is lost. You need magnesium.

(12) Decreasing testosterone levels (don’t take the “replacement” vitamins, find out why your body is low on testosterone and support that part of your body do your testosterone is adequate)

(13) Excessive consumption of protein can cause the needed calcium to be flushed out of the body, although the correct allowance of protein – 40-60 grams – does not. A protein deficient diet – less than 40 grams daily – can also deplete calcium stores.


Vitamins to Prevent Osteoporosis

What can you do?

Above are things to avoid because they deplete the body of calcium. In order to help your bones maintain their strength

Dr. Berg’s Electrolytes

Since inadequate calcium and vitamin D & Vitamins F intake is harmful to bone health we recommend the Dr. Bergs Electrolyte Formulas.

It contains the vitamins the body needs.


Vitamin F

In order for calcium to be used by the body, it needs vitamin D to absorb it and Vitamin F to move it around. If Vitamin F is not present, the calcium remains in the joints, blood vessels (plaque), etc.

Where can you get Vitamin F? Essential fatty acids –

Vitamins F, an essential fatty acid, is composed of two fatty acids—linoleic acid (LA) and alpha-linoleic acid (LNA)—with linoleic acid being the most complete fatty acid.

There are two basic categories of EFA’s (essential fatty acids)—omega-3 and omega-6—which include linoleic acid and gamma-linoleic acid.

Omega 6 is commonly gotten from the food we eat including vegetable oil, salad dressing, mayonnaise, nuts & seed, chicken, beef, pork, dairy products, eggs, even fast food has Omega 6.

But for Omega 3, we suggest Omega 3 Fish Oil.

For more information about Cod Liver Oil

Also Needed:

Along with physical exercise. Exercise is needed for optional help as that how calcium and vitamin D reduces risk

MCVitamins will work with you on an individual-by-individual basis to help you get the results you seek. And don’t be surprised if we contact you so we can check up on how you’re doing and to see if we can help you to get things moving faster!


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