Weight Loss Diets

weight lossDr. Berg’s Healthy Keto Plan the book shows you how to get healthy to lose weight. It also educates you on why you are having trouble losing weight and don’t feel good. It’s a must read. You don’t lose weight to get healthy; you get healthy to lose weight.

Dr. Fuhtman’s Weight Loss Diet  “Most weight loss diets center around portion control, which is just trying to eat smaller amounts of the same addictive foods. This approach inevitably fails.”  – Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Both are designed to build health, so you lose weight naturally.

Do you want to Understand Nutrition to educate yourself so you understand what to eat and WHY to build health?
Eat Well Nutritional Course – Learn How to Build Health 

Additional Help

Stop the Cravings?

But if you decide not to, below are diets that have been known to work that you might want to check out.

Go Lo First Understand Insulin Resistance

Know the Cause
Fungus Link to Weight Gain

There have been many diets though the years and below is a list that I’m sure you’ve heard of.

10 Day Transformation Diet

Above All Diets

Atkins Diet

Beach Body NOW Bodi

Beverly Hills Diet

Blood Type Diet

Body for Life Diet

Cabbage Diet

Calories Per Hour

Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet


Diet Cure

Diet Shakes

Eat Stop Eat


Eight Minutes in the Morning

Exchange Diets

Fat Flush

Fit for Life

Food Combining

French Woman’s Diet

Garcinia Cambogia Diet

Glycemic Index Diet

Green Coffee Bean Extract Diet

Bob Greene’s Diet (Oprah’s Trainer)

Grapefruit Diet

Hamptons Diet

HCG Diet

Hungry for Change

Hunza Diet

Jenny Craig

Juice Fast

L.A. Shape

LA Weight Loss Diet

Living Low Carb

Low Fat

Mayo Clinic Diet


Paleo Diet

Dr. Phil

Picture Perfect


Ready to Eat

Scarsdale Diet

Diet Shakes

Slim-fast Diet


South Beach

Sugar Busters

Thin for Life

Three Hour Diet

Three Week Diet

Weight Loss Cure (HGC Diet)

Weight Watchers

The Zone


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If you have information on other successful diets, please email us at
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