
About McVitamins

Educated at Brooklyn College CUNY Pre-Med, went on to study nutrition and health due to the number of degenerative diseases where the person needs to build health. This website delivers education in the workable science so people can make informed decisions.

Coffee, can it also be good for you?

After many years of not drinking coffee as I felt it wasn’t good for me.  I found some new evidence that it actually is good for you.  And this isn’t something coming by scientists doing research paid for by the drug companies, but by known nutritionists. Here is an article by Dr. Mercola explaining some

By |2020-12-10T10:29:38-04:00December 10th, 2020|Anti-Oxidants and Free Radicals, Nutrition, Research, Scientific Study, Studies & Clinical Trials|Comments Off on Coffee, can it also be good for you?

What Does Vitamin C do for your Health?

Sorbitol (a form of sugar) travels to certain parts of the body where it builds up. These parts of the body are: – the lens of the eye where it forms a white milky film called cataracts and – the sciatic nerve (the big nerve that runs down your leg) where it can cause nerve

By |2023-05-17T20:14:31-04:00December 9th, 2020|Anti-Oxidants and Free Radicals, Neuropathy, Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies|Comments Off on What Does Vitamin C do for your Health?

Trouble Losing Weight even Though You Diet and Exercise?

Sound familiar? I hear it all the time and have worked on helping people with this problem. Okay, there is a new educational book by Dr. Eric Berg called The Healthy Keto Plan (his earlier book Body Type Guide and  the 7 Principals of Fat Burning.) The new book has so much information that is

By |2022-04-24T21:22:01-04:00December 8th, 2020|Adrenals, Hormones, Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies, Supplements, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Trouble Losing Weight even Though You Diet and Exercise?

A Natural B Vitamin – Nutritional Yeast Tablets

Dr. Berg specializes in helping people lose weight by getting them healthy. You don’t lose weight to get healthy, you get Healthy to lose weight. His  Nutritional Yeast Tablets which are especially designed for a Ketogenic Diet. But they are a Natural B Vitamins for anyone Fine out about Nutritional Yeast Tablets.

By |2022-04-24T21:20:44-04:00December 7th, 2020|Adrenals, Diet, Keto Diet, Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies, Remedies for Illness, Stress, Supplements|Comments Off on A Natural B Vitamin – Nutritional Yeast Tablets

A Diet that Builds Health

Losing weight is not the way to get healthy, but Build Health and You can Lose weight What’s the secret – you change from burning sugar and carbs for energy to burning fat for energy.  Makes a big change in your health.   Do you know that if you eat too many carbs, the body will

By |2022-04-24T21:18:53-04:00December 6th, 2020|Hormones, Insulin Resistance, Intermittent Fasting, Keto Diet, Nutrition, Remedies for Illness, Weight Loss|Comments Off on A Diet that Builds Health

Dental Health – What does it mean?

Have you been given scary words to get you to come every 6 months to have your teeth scraped (“cleaned” or to fight back any “decay” by having holes drilled in your teeth and filled with foreign material. Well, there really is no other way to fight tooth loss and pain, right? Right? Start by

By |2022-04-24T21:17:42-04:00December 5th, 2020|Dental Health, Dental Problems, Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies|Comments Off on Dental Health – What does it mean?

Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse in the Holiday Season?

Have you noticed it yourself?  Whatever it is that you were doing that was helping, doesn’t seem to work.   What changed?   Is it the weather? Have you noticed that your diet changes after Thanksgiving?   Thanksgiving is an  eating holiday followed by pies, desserts and Christmas cookies. Most religions have holidays at this time of the

By |2022-04-24T21:16:07-04:00December 3rd, 2020|Building Healthy Nerves, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Nutrition, Nutritional Deficiencies|Comments Off on Does Neuropathy and Nerve Pain Feel Worse in the Holiday Season?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – What is it, What to do about it

It is an intestinal disorder. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the large intestine. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea or constipation, or both. Only a small number of people have severe signs and symptoms. Most people with IBS experience times when the symptoms are worse and times when they improve

By |2020-12-02T08:38:38-04:00December 2nd, 2020|Digestion, Gluten, Intestinal Health, Nutrition, Remedies for Illness|Comments Off on Irritable Bowel Syndrome – What is it, What to do about it

Gut Bacteris, Viruses And Your Immune System

There is a really interesting relationship between gut bacteria and your immune system. There are trillions of microbes that live in and around your body, they are called the microbiome and they provide immune protection... Know more about these friendly bacteria by watching this Gut Bacteria AND reading more on the same page. Want to

By |2020-12-01T11:03:44-04:00December 1st, 2020|Diet, Digestion, Immunity, natural immunity, Nutrition|Comments Off on Gut Bacteris, Viruses And Your Immune System
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